March 24, 2008
For Immediate Release:
RJM Announces Corporate Appointment: AVP Telecommunications
March 24, 2008 — Randall James Monroe, Inc., a Dallas based global executive search consultancy announces the successful completion of the following executive search assignment for:
Assistant Vice President – Telecommunications BNSF Railway
Gary Grissum has been appointed assistant vice president, Telecommunications. Grissum will replace Jo-ann Olsovsky — an earlier RJM corporate appointment who will become Chief Information Officer effective March 31, 2008.
Grissum has 24 years of telecommunications experience, most recently with responsibility over the Network Management Center for Sprint Nextel. The center provides around-the-clock surveillance and support for Sprint’s wireless and wireline networks. Grissum also led a Sprint Nextel team that built and maintained wireless networks in Europe, Asia, South America, and the United States; and he managed the Information Technology (IT) Services group in Europe and Asia. Grissum and his team were recognized repeatedly by customers for providing outstanding technical support.
BNSF Railway is a subsidiary of Fort Worth-based Burlington Northern Santa Fe Corporation (NYSE:BNI), BNSF Railway operates one of the largest railroad networks in North America, with about 32,000 route miles covering 28 states and two Canadian provinces.
RJM specializes in leadership, culture and chemistry fit. As a retained executive search consultancy, the firm brings four decades of experience in helping clients find and attract highly talented executives on a worldwide basis.