For Immediate Release:
RJM Announces Top Leadership Appointment — President / GM
Dallas Texas — Randall James Monroe, Inc., a Dallas based global executive search consultancy announces the successful completion of the following executive search assignment for:
President / General Manager — HDK Industries, Inc.
Timothy Maharrey has been appointed President / General Manager. Maharrey brings a wealth of knowledge and experience acquired as an executive with FoamPartner Group, The 3M Company and other leading organizations.
HDK Industries, Inc. (HDK) manufactures and markets thermal carded bonded nonwoven fabrics, for various end products. The company offers roll goods mainly in polyester or blends and is part of the nonwoven industry division of Cha Technologies Group, a well-established global conglomerate of diversified businesses headquartered in Nyon, Switzerland.
Randall James Monroe, Inc. specializes in leadership, culture and chemistry fit. As a retained executive search consultancy, RJM brings more than six decades of combined experience in helping client-companies find and attract highly talented leaders on a worldwide basis.