October 6, 2006
For Immediate Release:
RJM Announces Key Executive Appointment – VP National Transit Operations
(PRWEB) October 6, 2006 — Randall James Monroe, Inc., a Dallas based global executive search consultancy announces the successful completion of the following executive search assignment:
Vice President, National Transit Operations, L.K. Comstock & Company (RailWorks Corporation)
This executive search assignment resulted in the appointment of Mark Patterson, an exceptionally talented executive that will play a key role in the growth and success of L.K. Comstock & Company’s operation. Prior to joining Comstock Mark was the Vice President Rail Projects – Eastern Region for Balfour Beatty Rail, Inc.
L.K. Comstock & Company is a subsidiary of RailWorks Corp. Comstock’s National Transit Group, provides electrical and mechanical installation services and new rail station and track construction, maintenance and repair services. These projects include signaling and automatic train control, communications and command control centers, traction power, overhead catenary, and third-rail installations. The focus is on light rail, people movers and transit systems throughout North America. Comstock has provided installation and testing services on transit systems since the 1930s. The Company has now completed more than 100 rapid transit system installations for 27 different transit agencies.
About Randall James Monroe, Inc. – RJM brings nearly four decades of experience in helping clients find and attract highly talented executives on a worldwide basis.